EILEEN (CONT'D) I just heard from my guy in NY. We got the CAD notes. Go to the PD in the am, see the PIO. Don’t take no.
Oh. Hi Eileen...
Yeah. OK. Thanks so much for...
Click. That’s it.
INT. PUB - LATER Eileen, sets down her phone, perched at the end of the bar, working. An empty plate in front of her. She sips her drink. The Bartender lifts her empty plate. BARTENDER Where you from? EILEEN How’d you know I’m not from here? BARTENDER Clothes. Hair. Demeanor. Computer. EILEEN (Smiling) Good eye. New York. I’m Eileen. BARTENDER Karla. What brings you to Anchorage, Eileen from New York? EILEEN Work. I’m a reporter. KARLA Cool. Well sit here long enough and you’ll hear plenty of stories. EILEEN Are you a local? KARLA Nope. From Houston. Came up for a job. Lost the job. Now here. EILEEN What was the lost job?
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