

EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - SAME Eileen looks around the neighborhood comprised of ‘monopoly houses’-- four walls and a steeple roof and not much more. It’s rundown due to shoddy construction and the relentless beating by the conditions. ROZ (V.O.) Thank you for talking to us. We know this is hard for you. INT. SYLVIE NAGIAC’S HOUSE - DAY Eileen and Roz sit at the kitchen table. SYLVIE (50’s) places two cups of tea down. She looks tired beyond her years. SYLVIE The house has a warm cluttered vibe. There’s food cooking on the stove. Pictures of family are everywhere. A large PHOTO OF GLORIA is prominently displayed. ROZ Of course. And that’s why we’re here. We are going to get to the bottom of this. EILEEN We’re going to try... Roz picks up on Eileen’s point. Sylvie clocks this. ROZ Losing my daughter was hard. I have no problem talking about it. I want to find out what happened.

We’re going to try. So can you tell us what type of mood was Gloria in the night she went missing. SYLVIE Gloria was busy. And she was getting more private with me. But she wasn’t upset or anything. Not that I could tell. ROZ And we know she’s had some problems with drinking and drugs... SYLVIE Is that your focus?

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