INT. HIGH SCHOOL, AUDITORIUM - SAME TIME Claire is addressing a small auditorium of HIGH SCHOOLERS. CLAIRE My job is to help Alaskans stay informed. To give them the facts they need to make the best decisions for their lives and their community. ANONYMOUS STUDENT Fake news! Laughing. Claire eyes her DAUGHTER who sinks into her seat. CLAIRE
Yes. There are some people who believe that the press has an agenda. That we are biased. That we even lie. That is not my experience. We may not be perfect and we may make mistakes but we are not ‘fake’ and we are not the enemy of the people.
EXT. NORTH SLOPE - LATER Eileen gets out of her car, looks around. It is literally the end of the road and it truly feels like another planet. CLAIRE (V.O.) We are your fellow citizens. And we
care deeply about the truth and about the communities we serve.
She checks the MAP that Gloria’s mom gave her. She starts off toward the sandy beach along the water and then continues along a natural berm where the beach meets the tundra.
Now reporters don’t make a lot of money. And most local papers like ADN are understaffed and
overworked. In fact, we’re barely surviving. So maybe it’s not the best career after all. Karly is really hearing her mother now. A glint of pride.
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