


Especially women. Specifically women of color. EILEEN What?! SENIOR PR Including one yesterday. EILEEN Who? Shailey? From research? SENIOR PR She’s head of research. EILEEN And she overstepped! I’m not gonna pull punches because she’s a woman or because she’s black. That’s how you learn. That’s how I learned! RICHARD Regardless. The narrative is gaining traction. EILEEN Where? SENIOR PR It started with the Daily Beast. Now the Times, Washington Post, and Fox News have picked it up.

That lands with a thud. Eileen’s taking water from all sides. She scans the room. The faces of her colleagues are ashen. She’s the story now. She simply gets up and walks out. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL (V.O.) Eileen Fitzgerald is a highly respected journalist. She has had an outstanding career. Colleagues try not to stare as she passes. Dead woman walking. She grabs her coat and bag, keeps moving. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL (V.O) But this story is, undeniably, a stain on her reputation. She walks past the BANK OF TV SCREENS. Only Lawrence is audible. She arrives at the elevator, and presses the button.

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