4400 2nd Revised Network Draft CLEAN 1.19.21

4400 Ariana Jackson 2nd Rev Network Draft 1/19/21 12.

Andre walks up --

ANDRE I need to speak with whomever is in charge of medical personnel. I appreciate you have taken the most injured out for treatment, and I’m happy to help with those remaining, but I need supplies, a workspace -- SHANICE We’re not going to get anything while they continue to hold us as prisoners . Isn’t that right? STEVE THE GUARD I, uh -- SHANICE I am with a very prestigious law firm. I am documenting everything , and I am going to reign hell down on everyone who’s a party to this unlawful detention -- ANDRE Ma’am, I don’t think that kind of language is constructive and I’m not sure a -- secretary? -- is the most convincing messenger -- SHANICE

Excuse me? You did not just say that in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s America. SOMEBODY It’s not. She’s dead. Shanice whips around, realizes that a small crowd has gathered, including Rev Johnson, Claudette, Mildred and Hayden -- SHANICE What are you talking about? STEVE THE GUARD Um, yeah, she died last year? It was pretty big news... ANDRE Apologies, whom are we discussing? Ruth Baiter...? REV JOHNSON Ruth Bader Ginsburg...the new Supreme Court Justice?

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