4400 Ariana Jackson 2nd Rev Network Draft 1/19/21 13.
SHANICE If RBG had died, I think I would have heard about it. CLAUDETTE There aren’t any women on the Supreme Court. As people keep loudly debating these points, Shanice looks around, takes in the confusion, the clothes from different eras, all the strange pieces finally adding up to a clear conclusion -- SHANICE (CONT'D) Wait a minute. WAIT. It quiets, she turns to Steve -- SHANICE (CONT'D) What year is it? STEVE THE GUARD Um, it’s 2021? A shocked beat as everyone takes that in -- then pandemonium , everyone speaking at once, with various levels of disbelief. Shanice shakes her head, reeling -- it can’t be true... INT. BOIS BLANC HOTEL - HALLWAY - DAY The place teems with GOVERNMENT AGENTS and WORKERS setting up. In the background, Jharrel is with Smart Alec, getting oriented by an Agent. Keisha has found Jessica, in a suit and DHS badge -- KEISHA What’s going on? I show up to work Did I go behind my girlfriend’s back to coerce her into working with me? No. A look between them -- Keisha wouldn’t put it past her ... JESSICA (CONT'D) Yes, I want to spend more time with you. But I’m not a creepy stalker! Your boss recommmended you. KEISHA For what? What is all this? Jessica looks around, pulls Keisha into an alcove, voice low -- JESSICA You saw the news about those people on Belle Isle? today and my boss tells me to report here. Did... you do this? JESSICA
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