4400 2nd Revised Network Draft CLEAN 1.19.21

4400 Ariana Jackson 2nd Rev Network Draft 1/19/21 19.

SHANICE No. I’ve never been apart from my baby for more than a few hours, she must be so scared... Thank you for asking. I’m Shanice, by the way. MILDRED Mildred. And I’m sorry. You sound like a good mom.

Mildred’s wistful, as though she doesn’t know what that’s like. Shanice squeezes her shoulder in thanks, blinking back tears. Mildred is moved, eyes the SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS, the BOLTED EXIT DOOR at the end of the hallway. And suddenly, they TURN just slightly. Shanice doesn’t notice, but Mildred does. She concentrates, curious and intent. They keep turning . Mildred turns her attention to the door. Suddenly, the BOLT SLIDES FREE, and they can hear the LOCKS DISENGAGE. The door opens a crack, sunlight flooding in from outside . Shanice notices, eyes going wide. She turns to Mildred -- SHANICE What’s going on? MILDRED I -- I don’t know... Mildred looks back the way they came -- there’s no one watching. MILDRED (CONT'D) You should go. Shanice moves behind Mildred to push her chair -- MILDRED (CONT'D) No, no. I’m okay here. I -- have nowhere to go. Go to your family, your baby. I’ll keep watch. Shanice pauses, unsure, but Mildred is clear-eyed. Shanice spontaneously hugs the girl -- SHANICE I’ll see you again when I get you out of here, okay? Mildred nods, smiles at Shanice, a small, strange bond having formed. Shanice looks back down the hall one more time -- then slips out the door and she’s gone .


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