4400 2nd Revised Network Draft CLEAN 1.19.21

4400 Ariana Jackson 2nd Rev Network Draft 1/19/21 21.

LOGAN Oh, my bad. I didn’t realize you were a big fancy lawyer. He’s teasing and she blushes. She may have exaggerated a bit -- SHANICE

Well, currently a paralegal. But I’m on track to finish law school top in my class. LOGAN I have no doubt. And thank you for putting this protest together. This war is a travesty, a lot of

innocent people are gonna die to line Dick Cheney’s pockets. Also, that cop was a dick. As these two smile at each other, a spark... INT./EXT. BUS/DETROIT STREETS - DAY

Back with Shanice, still staring out the window. She closes her eyes, clinging to the hope she’ll see Logan and Mariah soon... INT. BOIS BLANC HOTEL - I.T. OFFICE - DAY Jharrel walks into a cramped space filled with computers and annoyed people. He spots SORAYA (24, ballbuster, burgundy headscarf, Lebanese accent) arguing with another IT WORKER. JHARREL Soraya?! What’re you doing here? SORAYA

Jharrel! Hey! Somehow they lured me to work in this primitively-wired neanderthal cave -- IT WORKER We’ve never needed this kind of bandwidth! It’ll take a day or so -- SORAYA Do I look like I have that kind of time? We need it yesterday!

IT Worker goes off in a huff, as Soraya turns back to Jharrel, gives him a big hug. He notices a filled WHITEBOARD, curious. SORAYA (CONT'D) Aha, want in on our pool? Who are the Belle Isle people?


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