4400 2nd Revised Network Draft CLEAN 1.19.21

4400 Ariana Jackson 2nd Rev Network Draft 1/19/21 48.

ACT SIX INT. BOIS BLANC HOTEL - BALLROOM - NIGHT Claudette spots Shanice, goes up to her, curious -- CLAUDETTE Where’ve you been? SHANICE (beat; opts for the truth) I got out. CLAUDETTE Out? How ? SHANICE I don’t know. The door just opened. CLAUDETTE

Hm, so that’s what got the guards’ cages rattled. And? Is it true? SHANICE Unless somebody’s set up a very elaborate hoax...it’s really 2021. And they came after me. Sent the whole cavalry to bring me back in. CLAUDETTE That’s a lot of effort for one black woman. SHANICE Yup. So why us ? Far as I can tell,

we have nothing in common, not where we’re from, not when we’re from. So why now ? Why this ? For some reason... we’re special. Claudette is silent -- more special than Shanice knows ... SHANICE (CONT'D) And while I wish I didn’t have

anything to do with any of this -- I’ve realized if we have that kind of value, it means one more thing. CLAUDETTE What’s that? SHANICE We have leverage.

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