Do you promise? Reassured by the whispers, Meagan undoes the latch on the shutters and - pauses a moment, uncertain. But the whispers continue. MEAGAN (CONT'D) Okay. She opens the shutters to reveal - A KIND LOOKING OLD WOMAN, staring in the window. Her clothes and hair are matted, filthy, covered in dirt. Her lips are smiling, but her eyes seem vacant. WHISPER (O.S.) Let me in. The Old Woman's lips don't move. Meagan stares at her, entranced by the DISEMBODIED WHISPER, her hand slowly reaching for the window latch when - LAUREN (O.S.) Meagan -- Lauren stands in the doorway, speaking very slowly, trying to control the panic in her voice at the sight of Meagan's hand on the window latch. LAUREN (CONT'D) Sweetie, you know the rules. You know what they'll do. Lauren starts moving very slowly towards her daughter, the smile on the Old Woman's face growing warmer, kinder, the vacant eyes focused on Meagan. WHISPER (O.S.) Let me in. LAUREN Baby, please, just -- Meagan's hand starts to turn the latch. LAUREN (CONT'D) Meagan, no! But it's too late! The latch springs open! We barely catch a glimpse of the Kind Old Woman's face as it MORPHS into something HORRIFYING AND DEMONIC! It lunges at the window, crashing through the glass as we -- CUT TO BLACK.
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