

HAROLD Norman? Norman, no, please! You're my best friend, Norman, please don't leave. (weeps) Please.

Harold drapes his finger puppet body over Norman's, the Girl's finger twitching back and forth, evoking Harold's "sobs." A wider angle reveals JULIE MATTHEWS (16), the girl voicing the puppets. Like most kids her age she's incredibly temperamental, caught in a whirlwind of hormonal changes and self doubt, which she takes out on her younger brother, ETHAN MATTHEWS (9), a gentle spirit, far more sensitive than other boys his age. He watches the scene play out, holding his

breath, waiting for the magical happy ending. Julie sighs, tosses the puppets on the bed. JULIE Well, we should get going. ETHAN What? No, but the fairies are coming

from the lake of tears, right? They're gonna make him better. JULIE (shakes her head) Sorry buddy, Norman's dead. And once you're dead you're gone. Fairies can't do a fuckin' thing to help you. She pats the puppets gently, taking a great deal of sadistic sisterly pleasure in Ethan's genuine panic. JULIE (CONT'D) (gets up to leave) Okay. ETHAN Bring him back, you have to bring him back! EXT. MOTEL PARKING LOT - MORNING Jim finishes packing up the car as TABITHA MATTHEWS (mid- 30s) walks over from the lobby. She's got a conflicted look similar to Jim's. It becomes pretty clear pretty quick that these two are having problems in their marriage. JIM All set?

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