
24. Ellis takes the news hard but he refuses to show it. He simply nods his head, an acknowledgment that he'll be at the service. BOYD (CONT'D) You alright? Taking care of yourself? ELLIS Look, I'm a little busy, so if that's all? BOYD Yeah, that's all. I'll show myself out. Ellis watches him leave, his eyes betraying the emotion he refuses to show. INT. HALLWAY, COLONY HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Boyd steps out into the hallway. Fatima sits on the steps wearing a robe. She looks up with hopeful eyes. BOYD He's all yours sweetie. Take care of him, okay? She grabs his hand. Goes up on her toes and kisses his cheek. Her heart breaks as she watches Boyd walk down the stairs, looking older than his years. INT. CAR - LATE AFTERNOON Jim is driving through the winding backroads. No sign of civilization anywhere. Both he and Tabitha are getting frustrated. TABITHA Maybe we missed the sign. JIM We didn't miss the sign. ETHAN Dad! Dad! Howcome those crows were doing that? JIM (focused on the road) I don't know buddy, sometimes birds do funny things.

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