

KENNY It's pretty crazy you can remember the whole thing like that. I mean word for word? That's impressive. Father Kelly smiles and finishes the passage he was writing. Puts down the quill. Kenny is lingering. KENNY (CONT'D) Can I ask you something, Father? FATHER KELLY Of course. KENNY You think we're being punished? I mean, you think that's why we're here? Father Kelly sits on the edge of the table, contemplates the question. FATHER KELLY

I did at first. When I first came here I thought things - felt things - that would have been unimaginable to me before. KENNY What changed? FATHER KELLY (smiles) I found my faith. KENNY You - weren't a priest before? FATHER KELLY Oh no, I was. I said the words and I read the scriptures. I had a lovely congregation and took great joy in bringing the Lord into their hearts and lives. I thought I knew what faith really was. But here - to know that God has a plan, no matter how impossible it may be to understand, to find peace in that truth even on a day like today - now I understand what faith truly means. And for that, Kenny, strange as it may seem, I'm grateful. (MORE)

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