

JULIE Dad, I think he's bleeding. JIM Where? Where is it coming from? JULIE (panicking) I don't know, I can't see. Jim is powerless to help. He starts thrashing in the seat but it's no good, he's stuck. JIM I need to hear from everybody, Ethan. (no response) Ethan! (hears a noise outside the van) Hello? Somebody out there? BOYD (O.S.) Everybody okay in there? A momentary relief washes over Jim. Help has arrived. JIM We hear the sounds of Boyd climbing up onto the car. His face appears in the passenger side window above Tabitha. He puts two fingers on Tabitha's neck, feeling for a pulse. JIM (CONT'D) Please, help our kids. I think my son -- he's bleeding. Please. BOYD I need you to stay calm, okay? What's your name? JIM Jim. My name's Jim. BOYD I don't know, I can't -- the steering wheel's got me pinned, I can't move.

Okay Jim, my name's Boyd. We got some more folks on the way to help, everything's gonna be fine. (off Jim's look) Why don't you go ahead and introduce me to the kids. JIM Julie. Julie and Ethan.

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