

EXT. CRASH SITE - EARLY EVENING Tabitha is laid out, still unconscious, by the side of the mini-van. Jim and Julie are kneeling beside her. In the BG we see Boyd, Kenny and Ellis helping Kristi out of the mini-van. BOYD How's the kid? KRISTI He's a mess. Getting him out of there is gonna take at least an hour. BOYD We got about ten minutes before the sun sets. KRISTI

We can't just pull him out. I have no idea what type of internal damage there is. He could bleed out before we get to the top of the hill. KENNY We don't have a choice. We can't just leave them here.

Boyd's mind races for a solution. Then - BOYD Can you fix him in the van? KRISTI What? BOYD

Can you stitch the kid up inside the van? KRISTI What does that matter, we'd still be -- Boyd's hand goes into his pocket. He pulls out the TALISMAN HE PICKED UP OFF THE FLOOR OF MEAGAN'S BEDROOM. KRISTI (CONT'D) Will that even work? BOYD I don't know. KENNY No. No, that's nuts, no way --

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