

EXT. BACKROAD - EVENING The Pick-up drives down the backroad. INT. PICK-UP TRUCK - EVENING

Kenny is driving. Jade and Julie are in the cab beside him. Father Kelly and Ellis are in the bed of the truck with Tabitha. Ellis is staring at the darkening sky. Yells in through the window. ELLIS (to Kenny) Drive faster! KENNY I'm going as fast as I can, we're almost -- EXT. ROAD - EVENING ANGLE ON : THE TIRES OF THE PICK-UP AS THEY SPEED OVER THE SPIKE STRIP BOYD AND KENNY LEFT IN THE STREET! The tires on the pick-up blow! Sending the truck into a skid! INT. MINIVAN - NIGHT Boyd is trying to anchor the talisman in the windshield, mirroring the placement we've seen on the front doors of the houses. BOYD (under his breath) Please work. He hangs the talisman from the rearview mirror, trying as best he can to secure it. JIM What are you doing? BOYD Securing our perimeter. JIM What? KRISTI Jim! I need you to focus. Jim turns back to Ethan with his full attention.

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