INT. MEAGAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Meagan kneels at her bed, saying her prayers. MEAGAN Now I law me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. INT. FRANK AND LAUREN'S HOUSE - NIGHT Lauren is checking to make sure all the doors are locked, all the windows shuttered. MEAGAN (O.S.) If I die before I wake -- INT. MEAGAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Back to Meagan saying her prayers - MEAGAN I pray the Lord my soul to -- A LOUD BANG from elsewhere in the house. A heavy hand against a door. Meagan looks up. INT. FRANK AND LAUREN'S HOUSE - NIGHT Lauren stares at the front door, still, unnerved, yet not surprised. Though it chills her to the bone, it almost seems as though she was expecting it. BANG! Again the heavy hand falls against the door. Lauren trembles, but stands her ground. The talisman is secure. INT. MEAGAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Meagan gets up, heads to the bedroom door when - TAP TAP TAP She stops. Looks at the shuttered bedroom window. Something with a long fingernail just tapped on the other side. TAP TAP TAP Fear wells up inside Meagan as -- SOOTHING WHISPERS fill the air, or are they in her head? Meagan's fear begins to subside as she stares at the shutters, entranced. MEAGAN (answering the whispers) But I'm not supposed to. The whispers continue. Meagan moves to the window.
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