Ned weighs the situation for a moment in silence.
NED You will feed them yourselves. And train them yourselves.
Bran nods eagerly. Robb nods as well.
NED They may die anyway, despite all you do.
ROBB They won’t. We won’t let them.
The decision made, people start to remount their horses.
Bran tugs gratefully on Jon’s sleeve. Jon smiles at him, but beneath his smile there is a trace of sadness.
Jon is about to climb onto his horse when he hears a distant whimpering. Leaving the horse behind, he ranges into a snow drift, and scans the ground until he finds the source: A sixth wolf pup, with white fur. Unlike the others, its eyes are blood-red and open, and it is completely silent. Jon picks it up.
Theon scoffs.
THEON An albino. It’ll die even faster than the others.
Jon ignores Theon. He stares into the pup’s eyes and the pup stares back.
JON This one belongs to me.
DAENERYS (15) stands by the window, staring out at the bay of Pentos, where shirtless FISHERMEN haul nets full of wriggling fish from their boats onto the docks. The setting sun silhouettes the brick towers of the Free City; intricate and colorful geometric patterns decorate their bulbous domes. Daenerys is a beautiful girl but nobody has bothered to tell her. She is awkward in her own skin, unaware of how rare her violet eyes and lush silver hair really are.
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