I don’t know.
VISERYS I do. We go home with an army. With Khal Drogo’s army.
He brushes her cheek with the back of his hand and speaks to her with real tenderness.
VISERYS I’d let his whole khalasar fuck you, all forty thousand men and their horses too, if that’s what it took. Come, dry your eyes.
Dany wipes away the unfallen tears. Illyrio, all smiles and bows, escorts Khal Drogo toward them.
VISERYS (nervous whisper)
Smile. And stand up straight. Let him see that you have breasts. Gods know, they’re small enough as is.
Dany smiles and stands up straight.
The walled city of King’s Landing, capital of Westeros. The royal castle, the Red Keep, built of red sandstone, perches on the cliffs above Blackwater Bay. The seven-towered Great Sept of Baelor rises on the south edge of the city. In between sprawls the fetid slum called Flea Bottom.
We PULL IN closer to the Red Keep, to a window near the top of the Tower of the Hand.
JON ARRYN (60s), cold and still, lies on his deathbed.
Two SILENT SISTERS, veiled adherents to the Faith of the Seven, fold his hands across his chest and close his eyelids.
GRAND MAESTER PYCELLE (70s) stands beside them. He wears a heavy chain around his neck, each link forged with a different metal. Beside him is QUEEN CERSEI (30s). Green-eyed and golden- haired, the queen’s beauty has already become legend. Both look down at Jon Arryn.
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