The yard is quiet and empty. High on the battlements of the inner wall, a lone SENTRY takes brief notice of Jon as he storms from the banquet hall with Ghost close behind.
The music and song spilling through the hall’s open windows seem to taunt Jon as he walks away from the feast.
Jon turns to see Tyrion Lannister sitting like a gargoyle on the ledge above the door to the great hall. Tyrion is drunk like Jon, only more so.
TYRION Is that animal a wolf?
JON A direwolf. His name is Ghost. (beat) What are you doing up there? Why aren’t you at the feast?
TYRION I learned long ago that it’s
considered rude to vomit on one’s brother. Might I have a closer look at your wolf?
Jon hesitates, nods-- and gasps as Tyrion pushes himself off the ledge, falls twelve feet to the ground and lands roughly. Ghost flinches and backs away behind Jon’s legs.
Tyrion stands and dusts himself off.
TYRION I’ve frightened the beast. My apologies.
JON He’s not afraid.
TYRION He is! I am terrifying!
He is not. Jon commands his wolf:
JON Ghost, come here. Come on, boy...
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