
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 10.


INT. 15TH PRECINCT - DAY Russell leads Theo up the stairs -- THEO

You may have information? What does that mean? RUSSELL In my office. A guy’s coming in, I’d rather you not cross. She looks back to see him taking in the building. RUSSELL (CONT’D) When was the last time you were in the Fifteenth? THEO Been twelve years. At least.

INT. 15TH SQUAD - CONTINUOUS -- they enter the Catching Area. Civilian Aide JOHN IRVIN at the Desk. He looks up on seeing Theo. Has known him from a boy. Theo blows right past him. THEO So I must know him. This guy coming in. RUSSELL Glen Jennings. You collared him last night. THEO (huh?) What is that scumbag saying? Russell nods Theo to her office, shuts the door. Stay with Detectives NICOLE LAZARUS, CHRIS GAMBLE, CRAIG PETTIBONE, all engrossed in files from the Andy Sipowicz homicide. PETTIBONE Kid runs hot. GAMBLE Must be a family trait. Which earns a protective stare from Irvin.

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