
NYPD BLUE “PILOT” Revised Network Draft 9.18.18 TEASER

INT. TATTOO PARLOR - NIGHT Closed for the night. THEO SIPOWICZ, (26, handsome, with a few days of beard, and tough, with an engaging charm) sits across from JENNINGS (30, enterprising but dim) at a back table. A half-consumed bottle of decent whiskey between them. Theo is in full performance mode, nearing the punch line of a joke... THEO ...So Fauntelroy reads this fawning, apologetic letter from the and now Fauntleroy is feeling pretty good. Order has been restored. He’s had his ass kissed. Jennings holds up the bottle of whiskey. Theo nods heartily. INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - SAME TIME Two NARCOTICS COPS, JOE KEYS (30) and KATE MCKENNA (25) monitor the activity in the tattoo parlor. They have audio and video courtesy of the ‘button’ cam Theo wears. They watch Jennings refill Theo’s glass. KEYS Another shot? We’re going to need a wheelbarrow to get him out of there. McKenna maintains a cool glare, not thrilled at what she’s seeing from Theo. owner of the railroad -- I’m mortified that a man of your stature had to endure bed bugs --

INT. TATTOO PARLOR - SAME TIME Theo and Jennings clink glasses. THEO

Fauntleroy is filing the letter away when he sees something stuck to the back. It’s a post-it note. (MORE)

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