NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 27.
I’d like to track Violet’s movements and social media before the suicide. She blabbed to Jennings, maybe she did the same to someone else.
Russell considers, nods.
RUSSELL (to Pettibone) Work the system for him. Pettibone is on his feet. They head into --
INT. COMPUTER ROOM - DAY An interview room transformed into a makeshift computer hub. Old file cabinets, desk chairs, and an ancient desk, on it a state of the art computer. Pettibone types. Theo watches -- PETTIBONE
Off her cell number we got Facebook and IG. All activity stops March 15th, date of her death. Photos are mostly selfies. Not a lot of followers or friends.
Theo nods. Frustrated.
THEO Can this track her cell hits? The day before she died? Pettibone gets to typing. While he waits for a response from the computer, he hands Theo a business card. WTF? -- PETTIBONE
My card. For legal counsel. True, I haven’t passed the bar yet but I do know the ins and outs of the department like the back of my hand. THEO I don’t need legal advice. I haven’t done anything. PETTIBONE Yes, but word’s out you’re back on a foot post in the Bronx. (Theo’s face falls)
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