
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 33.

PRUITT Yeah yeah, cool. I’m fine with keeping it no strings.

So much for meaningful conversation. She grabs her coat and purse, walks over to him, rubs his arm affectionately and smiles, then moves to leave. PRUITT (CONT’D) Hey. This Sipowicz kid’s got a short fuse. He loses it on you I want to know about it. She’s not too thrilled with the over-protective boyfriend act, but she just wants to get out of here. LAZARUS Sure. She leaves. INT. SQUAD - DAY Theo’s at a laptop, facing the video board, which is full and detailed. Lazarus enters, assesses him and the board. LAZARUS Been here all night? THEO Caught a few hours in the crib. (re board) So Violet faked her death, but didn’t go far. Cause the last two phones she stole came from We should also see if she cashed any benefit checks from HHS, cause I don’t care what somebody’s hiding from, if they’re getting government money they make sure that check comes. He nods and writes that down. She puts her bag and coat down, studying Theo’s obsessiveness with the case. LAZARUS (CONT’D) You and your dad must have been close. Westchester. So I had Operations put her photo out to every cop’s phone up in Westchester. LAZARUS

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