NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 37.
He reaches into his desk and pulls out some tic tacs. He shakes the container in front of the baby. IRVIN (CONT’D) It’s okay... it’s okay... The baby stops crying, transfixed by the sound of the tic tacs. Russell comes out from her office. THEO How long can we keep Violet away from her kid? PETTIBONE We can lay a Material Witness Warrant on her. Which will get us maybe four days? That’s if the judge is in a good mood. RUSSELL Let’s take it slow. Feel her out. (to Lazarus) You and Theo. PETTIBONE Should we really have the son of the victim interviewing the suspect? Defense attorney may point out the conflict of interest. THEO Are you a cop or a lawyer? You might want to pick one. RUSSELL (to Pettibone) Knowing his connection to Andy might get her talking. Theo and Lazarus head to the Interview Room. Russell looks over at Irvin, cooing the now-playful baby. INT. INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY Theo and Lazarus enter the room. Violet’s panicked. VIOLET Where’s my son? LAZARUS He’s fine. We’ll get you back with him real soon. Right after you answer a couple questions. (MORE)
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