
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 42.

He nods.

INT. INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY Pettibone, with a file in hand, takes a seat across from Violet, whose head is spinning a bit now. PETTIBONE Monica Dittmar. Know her? Again, Violet quickly considers her next move. LAZARUS Violet, we want to help you, we want to put your son back in your arms, but if you keep on trying to out-maneuver us it’s not going to work. VIOLET I know. We were roommates. Why, what’s she saying? PETTIBONE Not much. He slides the DOA photo across the table. Violet takes one look and covers her mouth in horror. PETTIBONE (CONT’D) Believe me the last place you want to be is outside this station

house. Cause whoever did this to your friend is tying up loose ends. And you’re one of them, aren’t you?

She’s still in shock.

PETTIBONE (CONT’D) The cop who just got yanked out of here? He wants to drop you and your kid off two blocks away and let you fend for yourself.

That lands.

LAZARUS Violet... is that what’s going on? Is that why you faked your suicide?

Violet looks at Lazarus. And nods.

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