NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18
Instead, Theo uses the knife to cut the plastic zip tie. McKenna is running up on the scene -- JENNINGS You letting me go? THEO No, I don’t hit skels when they’re cuffed. Theo drives his fist in Jennings’ gut, doubling him over. McKenna, jogging up, sees it. Wishes she hadn’t. INT. 39TH DISTRICT - BROOKLYN NARCOTICS - NIGHT Theo sits across the desk from the LIEUTENANT. The Lieutenant slowly licks the pad of his forefinger and turns to the second page of the report. Theo’s a little nervous, as one tends to be around a supervisor who may not like you. THEO
Both had priors. And got a half brick of fentanyl. Solid bust, Loo. NARCOTICS LIEUTENANT (without looking up) You drank. A lot.
Theo’s jaw tightens. Here we go again . THEO
Umm... yeah. I did. He offered, and I decided to keep rolling with my drug dealer persona. As opposed to my Mister Rogers persona. Which I’ve found -- and I’m just speaking
for myself -- is less effective than the drug dealer persona. The Lieutenant finally looks up. Indeed he doesn’t like Theo. NARCOTICS LIEUTENANT That persona is becoming the predominant one. Off duty too. That’s the last straw for Theo and the built up frustration and resentment comes out. THEO
Lieutenant, I don’t know why but you’ve had it out for me since the day I walked in the door. (MORE)
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