
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 49.

CHIEF GAMBLE Alright, DCPI has a press

conference scheduled at five. I’ll be running it, so I’ll need to be fully briefed by four. You’re welcome to stand behind me if you like. And in terms of the perp walk, I want it to be Chris and either Lazarus or Pettibone. You can chose. But not Sipowicz. RUSSELL Chief, Theo really showed me something on this case. CHIEF GAMBLE Okay. RUSSELL He’s got the right instincts. He’s fearless. And yeah, he’s a little raw, but he can learn from the other detectives here... And I personally vouch for him. (beat)

I think he would make a great detective here in the Squad. Chief Gamble nods, considers it. Then -- CHIEF GAMBLE I appreciate the endorsement, Diane, but no. His Lieutenant in Narco was a little less... enthusiastic. The Bronx can deal with him now. She was ready for this. RUSSELL

Chief, respectfully, I know you and Andy Sipowicz had some bad blood. CHIEF GAMBLE (baiting her) We did?

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