
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 52.

RUSSELL We both made a promise to Andy that we’d help get Theo his gold shield when he was ready. Do you remember this? FANCY I do. RUSSELL Well he’s ready, Arthur. Especially now that this weight’s been lifted off him about how his dad got killed.

Fancy considers this.

RUSSELL (CONT’D) Now I’m not asking you to go to war with Chief Gamble -- FANCY -- there wouldn’t be a war. Eric’s an old friend. And he owes me a rather large favor. (leans forward)

The war would be yours. Because I don’t think he’s going to be too happy with you going around him like this. She looks away, considering that. The tiniest of smiles forms on her lips. RUSSELL You know one of the great things about turning 50? I stopped running around trying to get people to like me. INT. THEO’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Theo’s at his desktop, slouched back in the chair. Wearing gym shorts and a beer in his hand. The dog is on the floor and Theo absent-mindedly rubs the dog’s belly with his foot. He’s checking an article online. New Details Emerge in Cop Killing. There’s a picture of Andy Sipowicz in uniform. Theo takes a sip of his beer and stares at the photo of his father. He nods a little. He did it. He cleared both their names. A knock at the door...

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