
NYPD BLUE Pilot Revised Network Draft 9/18/18 53.

Theo walks over and looks through the security hole. Shit. He looks for a place to stash his beer, then opens the door. It’s Fancy. THEO Chief Fancy. Ummm... FANCY How’s it going, Theo. You got a sec? THEO Uh, yeah, of course. He lets Fancy in and leads him to the kitchen/living room, quickly trying to clean as he goes. Fancy assesses the place, clocks the empty beer bottles on the counter. THEO (CONT’D) I had a couple friends over. Theo tosses the bottles into the trash. Fancy gives him that look. FANCY

Your dad worried about you. Felt you inherited some of the same bad habits he had. So you’ll need to clean your act up if you’re going to be a squad detective.

Theo: did I hear that correctly? THEO

Last I heard I was headed back to uniform -- Fancy puts a detective shield on the counter. Theo’s stunned. FANCY

There’s a feeling you get when you walk up to a crime scene. Fifty people standing there and you duck under the tape, and everyone is looking to you to solve it. And you have the entire backing of the police force behind you. And you say ‘what do we got?’ And you’ll feel it, first time that happens. There’s nothing more powerful and important than that work. (MORE)

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