

Couples on dates, people laughing. It’s been so long since she’s been in this world. She takes a deep breath. ANNA (to self) Let’s get this over with. Anna goes inside. MATCH CUT TO: INT. RESTAURANT - ENTRANCE - SAME Anna enters, scanning the restaurant for her date. A HOSTESS approaches. HOSTESS Can I help you? ANNA Um, I’m meeting someone... I think he made the reservation, Mark Lacey? The hostess checks her book. HOSTESS

Yes. Doesn’t look like he’s here yet. I could seat you or if you’d prefer, you can wait for him at the bar? ANNA I’ll definitely wait at the bar.

INT. RESTAURANT - BAR - MOMENTS LATER Anna sits, angled toward the entrance. She checks Douglas’s Instagram on her phone. Her jaw drops. Douglas has posted a new photo. It’s of him... with his arm around an attractive woman. ANNA You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Anna taps on the photo -- the woman’s not tagged. Anna stares at the photo in disbelief, which turns to deep hurt. The bartender gives her a glass of red wine along with her credit card and receipt. Anna takes back her credit card, signs the receipt, then quickly drinks the entire glass.

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