INT. SLOANE’S HOUSE - SAME Sloane is at her dining room table, busy, her laptop open, a martini and a half-eaten dinner. Sloane sits up, concerned at the sound of Anna’s voice. SLOANE You okay? ANNA I’m fine. (then)
I’m just on a date with three of the worst people in the world. SLOANE (teasing) Jesus, Anna, you go from not dating at all to multiple partners in one night? ANNA It’s not that exciting, my neighbors just sat at the table next to us. (then) And I don’t even know that this guy’s terrible, although I’m pretty sure he’s terrible. SLOANE Well, have an open mind. You never know what can happen. Remember when you first met Douglas and you were like, ‘this guy is such a dork’, and then six months later you were getting married?
Anna remembers... FLASHBACK:
INT. HOUSE - EVENING A casual party. Douglas and Anna arrive at the buffet table at the same time and both reach for the last pig in a blanket. DOUGLAS
Woop... I’m a gentleman, I’ll let you have the last pig in a blanket. Or as I like to call it, “hot dog in a towel”.
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