

ANNA I don’t think this one’s gonna end in a wedding, but... fine. Open minded. Open minded Anna. SLOANE Attagirl. Go get ‘em.

INT. RESTAURANT - DINING AREA - MOMENTS LATER As Anna approaches her table, Mark, Scott and Carol are laughing uproariously about something. Anna watches them, unable to mask her repulsion as they laugh. Finally as it dies down... ANNA (to self, sotto) I can’t do this. CAROL What’s that, Anna? ANNA (furious, clapping after each word) I. Can’t. Do. This. (then) That’s my deal, Mark. Anna storms out of the restaurant. INT. ANNA’S HOUSE - BATHROOM - LATER Anna soaks in her bathtub, trying to wash the evening away. Suddenly a loud thud! Anna startles, terrified. ANNA (called out) Hello? INT. ANNA'S HOUSE - UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Anna, soaking wet, her robe hastily thrown on, tiptoes into the hallway, holding her breath. She looks around her. The house is silent. Anna looks up at the closed attic door, listening. Nothing. Finally... ANNA (to self) I need a drink.

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