Neil sits next to Anna. NEIL
It was a tragic accident. We were ice skating on the lake. The ice gave way and... my wife fell through... she drowned. Emma saw the whole thing. ANNA That’s awful. Through the window, Anna can see Emma playing in her room. Then... ANNA (CONT'D) My daughter died three years ago. NEIL (to self) Jesus. They sit together. Two people who have suffered unimaginable loss. Neil notices Anna’s paintings. NEIL (CONT'D) Those are beautiful. ANNA Thank you. NEIL Wait. You painted these? Neil gets up and approaches one of the paintings, impressed. ANNA M-hmm. NEIL Wow. (then)
My wife was really into art. She took pottery classes forever, but she wasn’t like a professional, like you. ANNA Well, I haven’t painted in a long time. NEIL Aha.
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