ANNA You know, I actually don’t think tonight’s gonna work-- CAROL (firmly) Anna, you can’t cancel the day of. He’s a big client of Scott’s.
Anna sighs.
CAROL (CONT'D) It’s been three years. At some point you’ve gotta move on. ANNA (resigned) Fine. CAROL Great. I’ll tell Scott to let him know! As Anna gets in her car, Carol starts a voice text. CAROL (CONT'D) (into phone, deliberate)
Tell Mark Anna’s in. Period. Also, your shirts are in my car, am I supposed to take them to the cleaners or what. Question mark.
Anna drives off.
EXT. ANNA’S HOUSE - LATER Anna pulls in her driveway. She gets out of her car and for a moment watches the movers unloading the truck across the street. Still no sign of who the new neighbors are. Anna starts toward her house when she spots her sweet, simple- minded handyman BUELL working on her mailbox. ANNA How’s the mailbox coming, Buell? BUELL It’s comin’ Miss Anna. She’s a tricky one, but we’ll get there, don’t you worry. As Buell resumes working, Anna reaches the front door and digs into her purse for her house keys...
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