ANNA (called out)
Elizabeth, honey, keep your ears open for the sitter, she should be here soon!
INT. ANNA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Anna goes over to her dresser, a half finished glass of wine sits next to her jewelry. She starts to pick out a bracelet and pauses, noticing her engagement ring. She picks up the ring and stares at it, remembering... FLASHBACK: EXT. BEAUTIFUL WEDDING VENUE - EVENING CLOSE ON Anna and DOUGLAS’S clasped hands. Anna is wearing the engagement ring. Widen to reveal we are at their wedding reception... D.J. Everyone claps as Anna and Douglas make their way to the center of the dance floor. The song “Unforgettable” begins as Anna and Douglas slow dance. After a few bars of the slow, romantic song, there’s suddenly a record scratch abruptly stopping the song. Anna and Douglas theatrically pretend to be confused when suddenly “It Takes Two” by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock starts playing. The guests cheer as Anna and Douglas begin an overly rehearsed and overly elaborate dance. They lip sync every word. The song ends with Anna and Douglas beaming and panting in their final “rap pose” to raucous applause. END FLASHBACK. Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time, please welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker! INT. ANNA'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - SAME Anna puts the engagement ring back down. She looks at herself in the mirror over the dresser for a beat too long then exits. CUT TO:
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