Act 2
INT. CULLING OFFICE. DAY. IRVING BAILIFF, 65, sits under his desk. Irving is heavy and bald, but his demeanor is childlike. On the carpet in front of him sit a dozen small objects. A snow globe paperweight. A couple of glue sticks. A handheld pencil sharpener. As two co-workers converse unseen, Irving arranges the objects in a rough circle. DYLAN (o.s.) Just seems soon to bring on a rook. The ink ain’t dry on Petey yet. HELLY (o.s.) We need a fourth. We can’t do the job without a fourth. DYLAN (o.s.) Well, then maybe you shouldn’t have- HELLY (o.s.) Petey got exactly what he wanted. Besides, they’ve been training this guy for months. It would have happened eventually. DYLAN (o.s.) Just seems soon. Irving completes the circle and starts placing objects in the middle. DYLAN (CONT’D) (o.s.) You really saw this guy’s dick? HELLY (o.s.) Just for a second.
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