Severance- 12-13-14



Hey, Irving. Irving scoots around to face her. IRVING Hello. HELLY

You having a little dark time? IRVING The lights hurt my brain. HELLY Mine too. Which is a good sign. Means we have brains.

He smiles.

IRVING Yeah. Big fat ones.

She smiles.

HELLY Hey, I was hoping you’d hang up the welcome sign before the next culling starts. You did promise me. IRVING I was worried I’d mess it up and Dylan would tease me. HELLY Have you ever noticed how Dylan never complains about the lights? IRVING Yeah. HELLY Yeah.

She nods.

He laughs. She offers him her hand. HELLY (CONT’D)

Come on. Let’s hang it up together.

He takes her hand.

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