He stares ahead, uncomfortable. MARK
What’s the thing with the letters? Why do we do that? HELLY It’s called data culling. And I have no idea. MARK You don’t know what it means? HELLY Nope. I know it’s important, though. MARK Uh huh. And how much of this is going to make sense once I’ve seen this video everyone keeps talking about? HELLY Exactly four percent.
He smiles in spite of himself.
HELLY (CONT’D) You’re not going to see it, though. MARK Sorry? HELLY Not today, anyway. MARK Cobel said- HELLY Something will come up. There will be an inspection, or a drill. I was here six months before I saw it. MARK Why?
She thinks about this a moment. HELLY
Because you’re more likely to accept it once they’ve broken you some.
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