Severance- 12-13-14


INT. CULLING OFFICE. DAY. Milchick sits in a plastic chair at Helly’s desk as she goes over documents. MILCHICK I think the pants were a tertiary issue. The real problem’s my personality. I’ve been told I’m just awful. The door flies open and Cobel enters. COBEL Milchick! We’ve got a security breach upstairs! MILCHICK What? How? COBEL Where’s Scout? She looks around the room, approaching panic. INT. UPPER HALLWAY. CONTINUOUS. Mark runs down the hall. He passes a series of shut doors, his pace growing faster. He suddenly stops. In front of him is a door, smaller than the others, with a dim green light behind it. It reads VIDEO ARCHIVES. He looks at the map. The final destination reads ‘VA.’ COBEL Mark! Mark whips around to see Cobel and Milchick running down the hall toward him. COBEL (CONT’D) Mark, don’t go in there! Mark grabs the handle, but the door is stuck. He yanks again, pulling it open.

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