Severance- 12-13-14


EXT. FORESTED ROAD. CONTINUOUS. Mark gets out of the car. About ten feet behind him on the road lies a white cat. It doesn’t move. MARK Oh no. Mark glances over to a large, Victorian-style house just off the road. It’s the only building in sight. He takes a step toward the cat. MARK (CONT’D) Cat? No response. He claps his hands. It doesn’t move. He glances down at his watch. MARK (CONT’D) Damnit. He moves back to the car, plopping into the driver’s seat. Gritting his teeth, he sounds his horn. No response from the house. He lays on the horn again, this time for longer. He notices the curtains in one of the upper windows move. Hastily, he flips the car into drive and speeds off. INT. CRAZY EAGLE VIDEO. DAY. A card table has been set up in the middle of the store. Racks of DVD’s line the walls. Mark sits across from SETH, the store manager, 25 and mustached. SETH

It’s a lot of dusting of the DVD’s and making sure they’re in order. Do you have DVD’s at home? MARK I do.

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