Severance- 12-13-14


EXT. VICTORIAN HOUSE. DAY. Mark knocks on the door. He looks around. The forest is silent. A LITTLE GIRL, 3, opens the door. MARK Hello. I was just- Are your parents home? LITTLE GIRL Someone killed our cat. MARK That’s- awful. LITTLE GIRL Did you kill our cat? Mark stares at her a moment. MARK I did. She turns and walks into the dark house. Mark cranes his neck to look after her. Suddenly, a WOMAN steps in front of the door, startling Mark. This is Harmony Cobel, the woman from the Orientation Chamber. MARK (CONT’D) Oh. I’m sorry- COBEL So it would appear. MARK What? COBEL You’re here. One would assume that means you’re sorry. MARK I- Well, I wanted to check on the cat- COBEL He was dead the moment you hit him and he’s remained so.

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