Severance- 12-13-14




COBEL I, myself, have only murdered small insects. Nothing mammalian. Did it make you feel powerful? MARK No. No, not at all. It was the opposite of that. COBEL The opposite of power? Describe that for me. MARK I just had to go. I felt horrible for- Mister, but- I had an interview. I couldn’t feel horrible right then. COBEL And how many things in your life are you putting off feeling horrible about?

She takes a massive pickle bite. MARK

I should get home. Excuse me.

He turns to leave.

COBEL Do you feel horrible about Eleanor? He stops. He turns around, his legs suddenly shaky. COBEL (CONT’D) In the divorce proceedings, she accused you of, quote, acute workoholism. I’ve never heard it phrased that way. She sounds like a firecracker. He stares at her, steadying himself against a side table. MARK How do you-

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