Severance- 12-13-14


MARK Unless you’re unlucky enough to wake up as the worker. COBEL In which case you know nothing else. Those who have had the procedure are happier, both at work and at home, than ever before in their lives.

Mark stares at her another moment. MARK Have you had it? COBEL No. He nods. MARK

Then when you get to work tomorrow, you can tell everyone that I told you to go straight to Hell. Cobel laughs at this. Mark turns and stumbles to the door. COBEL Give it some thought, Mark. You know where to find me. Mark reaches the door and shoves it open. Cobel scratches Miss’s neck. COBEL (CONT’D)

That was a funny thing he said, wasn’t it, Miss? Yes, it was.

Miss nuzzles her hand.

INT. POLICE STATION, OFFICE. NIGHT. Mark sits across from OFFICER IRONS, 40 and incredulous. OFFICER IRONS Okay, so- You hit the woman’s cat. MARK Yes.

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