The Officers run to their car and get in. They peel out and speed off. Mark stands at the side of the road, staring after them. He starts to walk to his car. He turns, regarding the Port-O-Potty. INT. PORT-O-POTTY. MORNING. Mark enters and sits down. He shuts the door behind him. He looks around, silent for a long moment. MARK Are you here? Pause. COBEL (o.s.) Of course I am. Mark looks up. At the top of the Port-O-Potty is a speaker. MARK How did you do that? COBEL (o.s.)
I can’t tell you. But let me ask you this, Mark; Is it not worth considering that a company that can make a house disappear may also be able to fix your somewhat broken life?
Mark thinks about this. MARK
If I was unhappy, could I get out of it? COBEL (o.s.) Both halves of you would need to request it. But that won’t happen. I’m offering you something you’ve craved your whole life, Mark. I’m offering you focus, and all that comes with it. (MORE)
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