INT. WHITE ROOM. DAY. Mark sits at a wooden table in a surgical gown, a thermometer in his mouth and a sheet of paper in his hands. Milchick stands over him. The room is perfectly cubic, and all white. Milchick removes the thermometer. MILCHICK All good. You ready for this? MARK Yeah. MILCHICK Great. Let’s make some rad magic. Milchick moves to the other side of the table, a camera has been set up. Cobel stands in the corner. MILCHICK (CONT’D) Okay, we’re on Mark in one, two- He hits record. Mark picks up the paper and reads. MARK
My name is Mark Scout. I have, at the suggestion of my employer, elected to undergo the procedure colloquially known as severance. I give consent for my unconscious body to be transported to my workplace and my personal beacon activated, creating a new perceptual chronology. I understand that the skills required to perform my job will be implanted in the mind of my employed self, along with a cursory awareness of the outside world for conversational purposes. I will not, henceforth, seek knowledge of my outside life while at work, nor of my work life while at home.
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