TISE | 2025
pg. 04 Changing Your Destiny in 2025 pg.18 Celebrating Carpet The Comeback Kid pg.38 Flooring Tips and Trends from Ty Pennington pg. 42 TechTime Tagging Your Showroom Just Got Simpler pg. 60 The Next Gig There’s Still Room For the Small Family Business
New Designs STYLISH
Vermeer Oak WP427
25 for ’25: First Look At SURFACES This year we’re launching 25 stylish new designs, broadening our assortment of wood- and stone-inspired LVT with on-trend colors that complement popular interior design aesthetics. Every design is a Karndean original, offering homeowners a beautifully crafted flooring product with the everyday performance of LVT. Learn more about what’s new this year:
25 FOR ’25 from Karndean Desingflooring
K arndean Designflooring will introduce 25 stylish new LVT designs in 2025 – and if you’re in Las Vegas for SURFACES Jan. 28-30, you can see them all at Booth 2647. The new wood- and stone-inspired designs broaden the LVT supplier’s assortment with on- trend colors that complement popular interior design aesthetics. Showcasing Karndean’s signature artistry and attention to detail, every design is an original inspired by wood and stone from around the world, offering homeowners a beautifully crafted flooring product with the everyday performance of LVT. The 25 new designs will hit the market in two launches – 10 will be introduced in late spring and 15 in early fall – ensuring
Vermeer Oak WP427
Karndean retailers have new product for their showrooms throughout the year. Jenne Ross, Karndean director of product, says that both the wood- and stone-inspired designs were thoughtfully developed to offer homeowners a broader color palette for creating the perfect space. “Flooring is just one piece of the puzzle for homeowners. It needs to work holistically within that larger living space, which, ideally, will reflect their style aesthetically while accommodating their lifestyle functionally,” Ross says. “Our new designs were created to complement a variety of popular interior design aesthetics that shape the look, feel and function of an entire space.”
Russet Character Oak KP163 SCB-KP163-6
WFCA’s Exclusive Savings Guide: A Special Opportunity for Our Associate Members
Introducing WFCA’s Exclusive Savings Guide. This guide is an exclusive savings book for our Premium Plus members, which will be filled with curated savings opportunities from our Associate members. This unique initiative offers our valued associate members – flooring manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors – an incredible opportunity to help customers succeed while amplifying your own brand’s reach. Through exclusive offers like product and display discounts, program savings, special payment options, freight reductions, and more, you’re enhancing the value of a WFCA Premium Plus membership for independent flooring retailers, strengthening your connection to an engaged community of industry professionals, and opening up new channels of business. Why Participate? Drive Customer Success | Showcase Your Brand | Cultivate Lasting Partnerships Join us in empowering the independent flooring retailer with the launch of WFCA’s exclusive savings guide.
Contact Freida Staten to be a part of this valuable offering to your customer or 706.581.1403.
TABLE of Contents
The Official Magazine of the World Floor Covering Association
04 Changing your Destiny in 2025 Scott Humphrey 06
36 Create The Perfect Space-- Introducing Karndean Design Aesthetics 38 Flooring Tips & Trends from Ty Pennington 40 Counter Offers Tom Jennings 42 TechTime QFloors: Tagging Your Showroom Just Got Simpler 46 Legal Matters: Indemnity Clauses in Flooring Contracts: What You Need to Know Kaytie M Pickett, Adam Stone, Jones Walker LLC 54 C555, ORION 950, & FLOOR SENTRY: The Best Moisture The Next Gig: There’s Still Room For the Small Family Business 64 2025 Insurance Market Outlook: Property & Casualty Trends Stacy Eickhoff, Risk Strategies 68 Are you ready to secure the future of the flooring industry? FCEF 70 A LOOK BACK AND AHEAD: The Power of “One Word” for 2025 Freida Staten Monitoring Trio for Residential Floors Wagner Meters 60
A Special “Thank You” to all the manufacturers and their marketing departments who provided outstanding editorial to make this publication a success. PUBLISHING STAFF Margo Rodgers Locust , Publisher Karen George , Managing Editor PAX STUDIO Inc. | Paxton Taylor , Creative Director + Designer GUEST COLUMNISTS James Buckles, Robert Blochinger, Mark Violand CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Chris Ogden, QFloors Jason Spangler, Wagner Meters Jessica Violand Bruno, IICRC Frederick M Heuston, IICRC CONTRIBUTING COLUMNISTS Lisbeth Calandrino, Lewis Davis, Scott Humphrey, Tom Jennings, Kaytie M. Pickett, Adam Stone, Stacy Eickhoff, Freida Staten, Mayson Taylor EDITORIAL + ADVERTISING Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC Phone: 678-761-5002 Email: THE WORLD FLOOR COVERING ASSOCIATION (WFCA) Freida Staten , VP of Marketing, Communications & Membership Kay Wiley , Executive Assistant to CEO Jeffery King , Legal Counsel, WFCA Emeritus Premier Flooring Retailer is a joint initiative of the World Floor Covering Association and Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC. Copyright © FABULOUS FLOORS MAGAZINE and WFCA 2025. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written consent from Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC or the WFCA. Change of Address: in order to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of Premier Flooring Retailer, notice of change should be made at least 5 weeks in advance. Premier Flooring Retailer is published quarterly in print and digital by Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC located at 572 Main Street, Andrews, NC 28901 and the World Floor Covering Association located at 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721. Postmaster: Please send address changes to WFCA, 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721. responsible for discrepancies, typographical errors, discontinuance of product nor color reproduction. Phone: 855-330-1183 Email: Scott Humphrey , CEO Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and timeliness of information, Premier Flooring Retailer Magazine cannot be held
PureGrain High-Def Flooring Has Disrupted the Industry Engineered Floors 08 Flooring Inspection: What is the Deep Dive? Robert Blochinger 10 Can I Steam Clean Natural Stone Floors? Frederick M. Hueston 12 The Legal Side of Inspection Reports Courtesy of IICRC 14 The Pushback Jessica Violand Bruno 18 Carpet The Comeback Kid Lisbeth Calandrino 22 Shades Of Color That Fit Your Style Engineered Floors 24 Trends: Flooring That Gives You the Freedom to LIVE 26 It’s Just Carpet Mark Violand 32 What Does fcB2B Provide? Lewis Davis 34 Does Made In America Matter? Mayson Taylor
ON THE COVER: New for 2025 from Karndean Designflooring: Inspired by wood sourced in the Rocky Mountains of Utah, the River Hickory (RKP8250) LVT design will be available to retailers in late spring.
L et me start this article like no article I have ever written. I want to ask you to get mad in 2025. That’s right. I want you to get mad at all of the “stuff” that is holding you back from fulfilling your purpose personally and professionally. What would 2025 look like if you got rid of the junk that is confining you? The truth is, most of us have no idea because we are too busy treading, trying to keep our heads above water, to focus on how good our lives and businesses could be if we would just get fed up with being stuck. For the sake of this article and your success in 2025, I am going to take for granted that you want this year to be like no other. I’m going to assume that you are willing to commit to doing and undoing what is necessary for you to exceed your expectations. Make no mistake: if you want success like you have never had, you will be required to do what you have never done. Why? Because you are exactly where you are because of the decisions that you have made. Even though you may not have asked for every situation that has impacted you, you are still responsible for your response. CHANGING YOUR Destiny IN 2025
Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA “ If you want
success like you’ve never had, you will be required to do what you’ve never done.”
04 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
5 Simple Steps to Thrive in 2025
1. Identify and eliminate the habits that are delaying your success This step is first because it is essential if 2025 is going to be the year your destiny changes. It is also often the most difficult move on your path to success. Take time now to honestly evaluate the things that are impacting your progress. It may be as simple as a lack of effort on your part or as challenging as a relationship that is holding you back. Whatever it is, it is likely you are already painfully aware of its negative impact on your life. 2. Envision yourself having succeeded in making 2025 your best year yet I challenge you to create a possibility book that identifies what success will look like at the end of 2025. A simple example would be to post a picture on your fridge of you or someone who will inspire you to achieve physical fitness in the coming year. 3. Invest in your success Leaders do not drift to greatness. You must be intentional about your growth - for your sake and the sake of those who rely on your leadership. What are you committed to that will help you reach your full potential in 2025? What resources are available through your industry alliances that you have yet to use? I challenge you to take part in WFCA’s SEAL Certification – the industry’s only Leadership Certification. Self-guided with monthly team coaching calls, the accolades from those who have participated validate the power of this program. 4. Surround yourself with others who are committed to success – your success and theirs It is likely you were told in your youth that you should watch the people with whom you surround yourself. Wiser words have rarely been spoken. You will rise to the level of those you allow to influence you. This also goes for what you read, listen to, and those who occupy your time. 5. Start now! These steps to success are common sense - they just aren’t common practice. Most leaders who read this article will agree with its content but do nothing to change their destiny. Which group will you fall into? I challenge you to make 2025 the year that defines your leadership and your future!
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 05
P ureGrain® High-Def flooring by Engineered Floors is setting new standards for flooring solu- tions. PureGrain High-Def is the first digitally printed LVT (DLVT) flooring that transcends practicality to deliver the unmatched look and feel of real wood with as many as 35 different plank patterns to avoid repetition. Traditional film products do not have the clarity, realism, or the variety offered by PureGrain High-Def. The high-definition visuals and authentic texture bring a natural and luxurious feel to any space, with unmatched performance. The remarkable durabil- ity and stain resistance make it incredibly easy to clean and maintain. And the standard lifetime warranty from Engineered Floors makes it even more attractive.
06 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Play Enjoy Build Relax
Freedom to
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Flooring Inspection: WHAT IS THE DEEP DIVE?
T he ‘Deep Dive’ is a term coined by a colleague who is an IICRC-certified inspector and instructor. It’s used when the issue is more than meets the eye! Further research is needed, such as what the site conditions were at the time of floor preparation and installation, product information, whether any maintenance was performed, what products were used, product specifications versus the customers’ perceived use, and overall visual appearance. Each job is different. For example, a carpet with a hospitality installation of an 80/20 wool nylon blend was inspected when the fiber was gone, and only the weave was showing. What ate the fiber? Was it a spot-cleaning agent? Was it under a food table with hot food and Sterno fluid spilled? Another example was at an assisted living facility looking at the level between carpet and resilient flooring. Did the height difference meet the AA requirements? How was the floor prepped, and what was the self-leveling agent used? Research was needed before starting, including concrete slab moisture testing and acceptable moisture remediation products that chemically bond to the self-leveling compound. Would crack chasing (and what width) and filling be needed to fix the issue? How would you test for self-leveling bond to epoxy product for a hollow condition? These are just a few examples of a deep-dive protocol for finding the cause of the flooring failure.
Bob Blochinger Inspection Division Chair Robert is a 45-year veteran of the flooring industry. Approved Instructor IICRC. Current member of NAFCT, NFCAP, IICRC BoD and Inspection Division Chair. Editor & Publisher of The Flooring Inspector magazine, (NICFI). Editor & Publisher of the current IICRC Inspector Review.
08 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
• IICRC Sets the Standards for Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Industries • IICRC Offers 26 Certifications • IICRC has more than 49,000 Active Certified Technicians • IICRC has more than 6,500 Certified Firms Around the World
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Frederick M. Hueston
T here are many wrong ways to clean natural stone, which is why we recommend leaving heavy cleaning to an experienced stone restoration professional. As you will see in the following article from Fred M. Hueston, Chief Technical Director for SurpHaces and natural stone troubleshooting expert, steam cleaning can be problematic... I am often asked, “Can I use a steam cleaner on my natural stone floors?” Steam cleaning is a very effective way to remove soil and contaminants without harsh chemicals. However, on marble, granite, and other natural stone, steam cleaning can be harmful. Spalling Steam cleaning can cause a condition known as spalling. Since most stone is porous, the high temperature of steam cleaning can cause pressure within the stone, which can lead to pitting and/ or flaking of the surface of the stone. Sealer Removal Natural stone sealers inhibit staining. Impregnating sealers penetrate the surface of the stone. Color enhancing impregnating sealers intensify the colors in natural stone. Topical sealers form a strippable or permanent coating that covers the surface of stone. If natural stone is sealed, steam As natural stone is fabricated, transported, and installed, stress on the material can cause cracks to form. Stone may also be cracked after installation because of accidental damage or environmental stresses. If natural stone has any cracks, the heat and pressure from a steam cleaner can cause the cracks to expand and open up, making the cracks more obvious and problematic. Grout Damage cleaning can remove the sealer. Accelerated Crack Damage Grout can also be negatively impacted by continued use of steam cleaning if used regularly. Damage may include discoloration and the grout cracking and falling apart. Steam cleaning may also remove sealers that were applied to the grout. Iron Oxidation If the composition of your natural stone includes iron, steam cleaning poses a risk of discoloration. Moisture reacts with the iron, creating rust-like stains on and in the stone. Iron oxidation discoloration can be extremely difficult or even impossible to remove.
010 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Residential vs Commercial Steam Cleaners Home-type steam cleaners may be safe to sparingly use on natural stone, since these steam cleaners do not reach the same high temperatures as commercial steam cleaners. The maximum temperature of residential steam cleaners is about 250 degrees F, whereas commercial steam cleaners can reach temperature of over 300 degrees F. However, even home-type steam cleaners should not be used on a regular basis. Types of Steam Cleaners There are several types of steam cleaners. Vapor steam cleaners look like a canister vacuum. They emit a fog of steam vapor to the surface with a wand. The temperature can reach over 200 degrees F. Steam mops inject steam into a cloth mop. Generally these are safer to use on natural stone than other types of steam cleaners, since the temperature is lower. Handheld steam cleaners are simple to use and are good for spot cleanup. Using them on stone countertops or shower walls can result in the same type of damage as steam cleaners used on natural stone floors. To be on the safe side, my recommendation is that you use a pH-neutral, stone-safe cleaner for routine cleaning of your natural stone and ask your stone restoration professional to take care of any heavy cleaning, as needed.
Bob Blochinger
The floor covering inspection industry offers classes on report writing; however, they don’t dive into the legal side and the use of descriptive words as adjectives. Inspection reports that use adjectives or emotional-based words are open to interpretation by the reader and can inflame factual comments. There are also phrases that leave a “reasonable doubt” about the conclusion, so caution is needed. The following is a short list of items to reconsider NOT using in reports. I came across these when asked to review others’ work as a third-party reviewer of 2 reports that offer opposite conclusions.
Unfortunate This is a descriptive word that leaves a wide- open door for interpretation for the reader. Asserted Product Is Defective What exactly does this mean? Were there any physical tests performed or just visual and stated based on the opinion of previous inspections of similar products? Raises Suspicion Is there any factual physical evidence to make this statement? Comprehensive & Independent Lab Testing When using this phrase, support your statement by listing the ASTM tests that are applicable. Subfloor Or Substrate There is a difference between these two physical descriptions. A substrate is a topical covering on the subfloor, a structural item. Destructive Testing Is this a simple removal of molding or demolition of a flooring product to review the substrate, installation process, and materials?
Observation Suggests The word ‘suggests’ leaves room for interpretation that may or may not allude to a conclusion by factual work. There are many other examples, but the idea is not to use them within a report that is from a 3rd party because that just might go legal. Lawyers use a factual report to present the argument; at that time, they add adjectives to further their case. Using adjectives in an inspection report allows the opposing Lawyer to break it down and possibly have you impeached as an expert witness.
12 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Empowering Everyday HeroEs
Since 1972, the IICRC has provided the highest quality certifications to industry professionals around the world. As the cleaning industry grows, the demand for highly skilled
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Get certified. Elevate your career in the cleaning industry.
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 13
O ver the years, we have heard many stories and have been involved with many cases of “pushback.” What do we mean by pushback? The manufacturer who immediately sends a decline letter to the dealer instead of sending an inspector to investigate. Or after sending an inspector, the manufacturer does not agree with their findings and still declines the claim. The installer who does not know how to fix something and, instead of talking to the customer about it, never calls them back, AKA ghosting. The customer who wants something done a certain way, which is against the installation instructions and standard industry practices. In all these cases, someone is left trying to figure out what it is going to cost to fix the issue. Recently, we have been on inspections where there is an obvious manufacturing issue. Instead of the manufacturer accepting responsibility that there is something wrong with the product, hung their hat on one sentence out of a 6 page report from the previous inspector and said the entire floor was failing because of one small installation issue, which was not around the areas of concern in the first place. On another, they came back with they were replacing the floor because of the “relationship with the dealer”, it had nothing to do with our report that said the same curling concern was occurring to the uninstalled planks. In one case the installer is left trying to help the customer and pay out of pocket for the replacement; or get lawyers involved and end up paying more just to get the product to replace the floor. In the other, the dealer gets what he needs, but at what cost? The supplier may not be as friendly on future jobs to cover the cost for this replacement material.
Jessica Violand Bruno Has been a flooring inspector since 2006. She is an IICRC Senior Carpet Inspector and holds certifications to inspect other floors. In addition, she is a lead sales associate with a flooring retailer and worked for 10 years with a flooring wholesaler.
Contact her at Jessica@ “ Pushback happens
when no one wants to take responsibility— but someone always ends up paying.”
14 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
When Money Is On The Line Another instance is the homeowner who didn’t want to pay the installer for the job because he used shoe mold to cover the expansion space around the laminate floor. The homeowner wanted the flooring to go directly up to the baseboard. The installer refused to install it that way, showing her the installation instructions that stated how the floor was to be installed – with expansion space. The homeowner then refused to pay the installer for the rest of the job and the installer who did a significant amount of work for the homeowner was out money on that job and on doing other jobs for them. It can take a lot to stand up for what you know is right. Especially when money is on the line. But in this case, he didn’t want his name on a failed installation that he would have to either go back and continually fix or risk a tripping hazard and someone getting hurt. I Don’t Want The Hassle Then there are the customers who don’t complain. I have had customers come in a year or so after an installation was completed to say “we don’t really like it” or “it seems like there’s something wrong with it and we just want to replace it.” I will ask if they had gone back to where they purchased it from. Some of the responses are “we don’t want to bother them” or “we did, but nothing happened.” When I get deeper into the issues they’re having, some of them are manufacturing issues. I will try to insist that they file a claim and try to get the manufacturer to pay for the flooring that isn’t right. Sometimes the customer just wants to move on, they don’t want the hassle. They know they are going to be out another couple thousand dollars to do something else. As an inspector, a consumer will call because they are getting pushback and not the satisfaction they deserve. I will listen to their story and then, with that information, find things or phrases they should try to get through the pushback. I will gladly take their money, but ONLY IF I CAN HELP THEM. I always encourage them to go back to the dealer, the general contractor, or whoever is giving them issues to try and settle it before hiring me.
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 15
Be Assertive But Kind What can you do about the pushback? Someone ends up paying, how do you make sure it isn’t you? As a dealer, if the manufacturer declined it without an inspection, get it inspected. If they declined it after the first inspection, get a second inspection. Many times, we can consult with you on the report if they sent you a copy (insist on getting a copy, if they are declining a claim, you are deserving to see why) and let you know what to lean on. Push on your rep; they don’t want an upset customer as much as you don’t want one. As an installer, push back on your dealer or supplier. Ask to talk to the rep or get the dealer to push for you. As a consumer, go back to where you got it or contact the manufacturer directly. Don’t let up on no answer. In these cases, the squeaky wheel gets the grease; be as squeaky as you must be to get an answer. Be assertive, but kind, and tenacious. “They” want you to tire and go away. Also, document every call or person who stops to look at the issue. As Inspectors we are like detectives, we need a timeline of what transpired since and sometimes before the flooring was installed. The Bottom Line Sometimes the answer isn’t what we want it to be. Sometimes what you thought was manufacturing related was really specification related – the floor should have never been put in that area to begin with. Sometimes you have to fix the installation related thing first to realize it was locally caused. And sometimes it hurts when you have to fix it out of your own pocket. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – and keep asking questions. Pushback yourself until you get an answer you’re satisfied with – even if you don’t like it. The more knowledge you have, the better prepared you can be in the future. Don’t let one bad report, answer, pushback, set you back.
16 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 “ It can take a lot to stand up for what you know is right, especially when money is on the line.”
STAND OUT FROM THE COMPETITION Are You a Trusted Tech? Becoming an IICRC Certified Technician Builds Your Credibility in the Cleaning, Inspection, and Restoration Industries We Offer: In-Person – 25+ Certifications Live-Stream – 15+ Certifications
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 17
T he resurgence of carpet in the flooring market is driven by evolving consumer preferences, technological innovations, and a focus on sustainability. While hard surfaces like vinyl have grown in popularity, carpets remain a strong choice due to eco-friendly materials, advanced performance features, and design flexibility. As sustainability becomes more important, eco-friendly carpets made from recycled materials, like plastic bottles, and natural fibers, such as wool and jute, are gaining traction. Carpets also improve indoor air quality by trapping allergens, benefiting allergy sufferers and families with young children. With various designs and price points, carpets can suit any interior style and budget. CARPET: The Comeback Kid Selling Innovations
Lis Calandrino Flooring Specialist and Associate Publisher and Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine
18 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Key trends for driving the carpet comeback include: 1. Smart Technology: Carpets with built-in sensors can monitor foot traffic and temperature and even detect dirt or spills. Some also offer integrated heating for added comfort in cooler climates. Additionally, the heating feature can be marketed as a luxury or premium feature, which could appeal to consumers looking for enhanced comfort in their homes, particularly in cooler climates. This could be part of a product description, marketing pitch, or a feature overview of a new type of carpeting. The idea is to emphasize the comfort and luxury aspects of the carpet with integrated heating, targeting high-end or tech-savvy customers.
• Colorfastness & Stain Resistance: Many modern carpets are designed to be colorfast, meaning their colors won’t fade or bleed over time, even when exposed to light or cleaning agents. This feature is important for maintaining the carpet’s appearance, especially in sunny or high- traffic areas. Carpets made from recycled bottles and Triexta fibers offer high stain resistance. Digital printing and 3D textures allow for intricate designs and personalized patterns. Luxury blends of silk, wool, and synthetics provide a high-end feel without compromising durability. Highlight the unique benefits of carpet: warmth, comfort, soundproofing, and its ability to transform a room with color and texture. • Sustainability Factor: Modern carpets are more eco-friendly, made with recycled materials, and produced with greener processes, challenging the misconception that carpets are bad for the environment. Carpet recycling programs and cradle-to-cradle designs appeal to eco-conscious consumers and support a circular economy by repurposing old carpets into new products.
• Improved Durability: Advances in stain resistance, protective coatings, and antimicrobial treatments make modern carpets easier to maintain and longer-lasting, ideal for high-traffic areas or homes with pets and children. Over time, carpets can lose their structure due to heavy foot traffic, but advances in fiber construction and backing systems have led to compression-resistant carpets. These carpets return to their original shape after being compressed by weight, maintaining their aesthetic appeal longer. Compression resistance is a new term in the carpet industry. Understanding and explaining it to customers effectively can impress them and increase their likelihood of considering carpet for their needs. • Abrasion Resistance: High-performance carpets are treated with coatings or made from fibers resistant to abrasion, meaning they’re less likely to show wear patterns or fibers that fray after heavy use. For instance, Nylon 6,6 fibers are extremely abrasion-resistant, making them ideal for areas with significant foot traffic, like offices or entryways.
“ Carpet is no longer seen as “cheap” or “old-fashioned.” It’s a symbol of comfort, personal expression, and eco-conscious living.”
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 19
2. Affordability & Value: Premium features are now available at more accessible prices, and carpets with longer lifespans provide greater value over time. • The New Status Symbol: Carpet is no longer seen as “cheap” or “old-fashioned.” It’s a symbol of comfort, personal expression, and eco-conscious living. Imagine a world where the carpet is both sustainable and smart. Futuristic carpets that clean themselves respond to temperature changes or even have interactive features (like embedded LEDs for lighting effects). Conclusion The modern carpet industry has made impressive advancements in durability, combining innovative fiber technologies, construction techniques, and environmentally friendly materials to create carpets that are built to last. Whether it’s advanced stain resistance, high wear ratings, or the ability to withstand heavy foot traffic, today’s carpets are far more resilient than ever. For consumers, this means carpets that look great and stand the test of time, providing long-term value and performance. If you’re considering a durable carpet, consider fiber type, pile construction, backing systems, and any added treatments that enhance wear resistance and longevity. Carpet offers warmth, comfort, and noise reduction, making it ideal for almost any space, from bedrooms and living rooms to home offices and beyond. In summary, while carpet prices may have risen slightly over the years, the overall trend is a win for consumers. The combination of lower-cost production methods, the shift to high- quality synthetic fibers, and healthy market competition have ensured that carpets remain affordable for a wide range of budgets, with even high-end options offering tremendous value in today’s market.
“ Carpets offer unmatched benefits like warmth, noise reduction, and the ability to enhance a room’s character with texture and color, making them a versatile choice for any interior.”
20 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
A bold, colorful shift is transforming interior design, and it’s happening right under our feet. According to Vogue, wall-to-wall colorful carpet is officially back. Part of the maximalist style revolution, carpet is the ideal canvas to embrace brighter and more expressive shades, hues and tones. Expect wall-to-wall carpets in more diverse and fashionable colors, textures, and patterns that cater to even the boldest interior design styles. When done right, bold carpets can tie a room together and make a big impression the minute you walk into the room. From benefits of energy efficiency and noise reduction to elevated comfort and aesthetics with contemporary choices, it’s no wonder carpet is making a comeback in 2025. Whether you’re seeking luxury or practicality, carpet can elevate the home’s look and feel and provide unique, stylish floors that can’t be ignored.
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 21
P ureColor High-Def® carpet incorporates up to 24 colors in every carpet, adding layers of complexity for a more vibrant visual and a more natural feel. All these different, subtle shades mean the carpet pairs perfectly with your surrounding surfaces and colors with ease, guaranteeing a carpet that will evolve with you and your decor. PureColor® featuring High-Def This year, we are most excited about two new products, PureColor featuring High-Def (PCHD) Col- or Technology’s Gold Standard and Silver Lining. This new technology provides an immersive 4-D experience: Depth, Dimension, Durability, and Design Depth
A complexity of color for a more vibrant visual PureColor High-Def incorporates up to 24 colors in every carpet, adding layers of complexity for a more vibrant visual and natural feel. Dimension A high-resolution finish for softness you can see. The high-resolution finish of PCHD allows you to see and feel every strand of fiber for nev- er-before-seen color clarity in soft surface. Durability It is engineered to endure. PCHD’s tailored fabrication, combined with its proprietary yarn process, allows for industry-leading durability metrics never before seen in PET. Design A special color affinity supporting self-selection. The multicolor makeup of PCHD allows every carpet to blend perfectly with surrounding surfaces and colors with ease, empowering and inspiring consumers to feel confident in their own selections. With the combination of high texture + high twist, these products provide the ultimate performance in soft fiber.
22 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
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Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 23
Whether it’s soft, luxurious carpet or a durable and elegant hard surface, our flooring products combine the highest technology with styles that are always on trend. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your home – and your life.
24 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Flooring Style that Goes Bold Whatever your style, there’s a PureGrain® High-Def DLVT from Engineered Floors that fits. Digitally embossed designs scanned from real wood are printed directly onto a high-density core, providing a more realistic look and feel to highly durable luxury vinyl plank flooring that you might swear is real hardwood flooring. If you’re looking to be expressive, your style likely features vibrant colors, daring patterns, and eye-catching elements that make a strong statement. You need a bold vinyl flooring choice that can stand up and stand out. That’s where our Bold Collection answers the call. More visual texture, deeper color, and earthy tones that ground your space, creating a sense of warmth and authenticity. The texture and patterns reflect a raw, unpretentious beauty, aligning perfectly with a rugged yet elevated style. The PureGrain High-Def Bold Collection features your choice of four distinct decors, scanned from actual real wood samples, and each has a unique story.
Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025 25
I t’s just carpet! How many times have you heard that statement? It’s just carpet, why do I have to vacuum it so often? It’s just carpet, why does it need cleaned so often? While we would like to think all it has to do is lay on the floor and look pretty, carpet needs proper care to maintain the indoor environment and get the longest, best-looking life out of it. Some History I have been in this industry since 1977 (when I had more hair than brains), I have seen a lot of things happen in this industry over those years. ‘Back in the day’ there was a whole lot of what you might call “bathtub chemistry” and machines that were built to take on huge cleaning jobs. I had one, where we could operate two cleaning wands off one machine. My brother Chuck and I were in Atlanta in 1987 at what was called “The Market” for the flooring industry. That year three stain resist nylon fibers were introduced such as “DuPont Certified STAINMASTER”, “Anso V Worry Free”, and “Monsanto with Locked-In Stain Blocker”. Remember the commercial Dupont created showing a little boy tossing his airplane shaped food dish through the air landing on the carpet leaving a mess? Within a few frames it all magically disappeared. Good marketing. IT’S JUST Carpet!
FLOOR Education
Mark Violand Carpet Inspector
Has been in the floor covering industry since 1977, specializing in inspection, correction, and repair of all types of flooring. As an IICRC-certified senior carpet inspector and instructor, he trains professionals and writes about flooring issues to improve industry practices.
“ Carpet is more than just something that lays on the floor—it’s an essential part of maintaining a healthy indoor environment.”
26 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
Immediately after the introduction of these advanced nylon fibers, carpet cleaning detergent formulators had to reformulate their detergents to have a pH of 10 or less. There was a scramble for all those companies who cleaned residential carpet, but it did not affect my cleaning company that much, because 80+% of the carpet we cleaned was multi-family housing and commercial. On day one of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), Carpet Cleaning Technician (CCT) classes I teach, I tell my students that I could teach them how to clean carpet in just a few hours. The reasons why we clean carpet the way we do, takes a bit longer. On day two of the class, I will start by asking the students what one or two things they learned new or will make their jobs easier. More often than not, students reply, “I had no idea there was this much to know about carpet!” Because it’s just carpet. Also, the class is taught according to ANSI/ IICRC S100 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Cleaning of Textile Floor Coverings. Did you know there was such a document? The very first carpet cleaning standard was published November 1, 1991. This came about after what some may say was a condescending challenge to what
some at the time called us “rug- suckers and shampoo slingers.” It came from the carpet manufacturers through their spokespeople of the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) at an event where the IICUC (the predecessor of the IICRC) board of directors and other who’s who of the carpet cleaning industry were gathered in St. Pete Beach, FL for a Board of Directors meeting. The challenge came across, in my opinion, as more of a threat when the CRI said, in essence, “you folks come up with a standard on how carpet should be cleaned, or we will.” Within one year, the standard was published and updates to that standard have been made over the years with the 7th edition published in 2021. There is a lot more history I could cover such as the CRI Seal of Approval program that started testing the efficacy of detergents, equipment and methods of cleaning, but that is another article in and of itself. Bottom line, professional carpet cleaning is rocket science, even though It’s just carpet. In the next part of this article, I will share information from the 14 chapters in my Carpet Cleaning Technician manual that includes: The Fiber Basics, The Chemistry of Cleaning, Soil Removal Step, Spot Stain and Wicking, and Groom and Dry...
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In the manual I use, there are 14 chapters not including all the subchapters and sections, which include:
1. The Fiber Basics 2. Characteristics of Fiber Types 3. Fiber Identification 4. Fiber/Carpet Dyeing 5. Identifying Dye or Color Problems 6. Carpet Construction 7. Carpet Soiling
8. Cleaning: Practical Application 9. pH Specifications 10. Principles of Cleaning 11. Cleaning Methods 12. Deodorizing Techniques 13. Potential Problems & Challenges 14. Advanced Spot & Stain Removal
Who would have thought there is this much to learn about carpet, let alone cleaning it, because of course, it’s just carpet. I am now going to give the highlights of the two-day Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) Carpet Cleaning Technician (CCT) class. The Fiber Basics The class starts with fiber basics. Even though we talk a smidge about wool, because it’s out there, there are three main synthetic fibers (Nylon, Polyester, and Polypropylene) used in the manufacture of carpet. Each of these fibers have unique characteristics on the way they take dye, perform, accept/resist stains, and how easily they will clean. Knowing these things about the fiber helps the technician properly clean the carpet. I teach how to perform a burn test to confirm the fiber type. Then we start talking about dirt and the reason why cleaners are an essential element to the health and safety of occupants in homes and business. Properly maintained carpet is good for the environment, and makes homes and businesses healthier to live and work in. The Chemistry Of Cleaning We talk about the chemicals we use to perform cleaning carpet. Within the chemistry of cleaning section we talk about solutions, emulsions, suspension, surfactants, and pH. A good chemical can help you reduce the time and effort it takes to clean. Each fiber can use a bit different chemistry to get the best results. Following the CHAT (Chemical, Heat, Agitation, Time) principles of soil suspension will guide you further.
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Soil Removal Step The phrase, “cleaning doesn’t happen until the dirt goes someplace” comes into play now. With the shampoo method, the suspended soil is removed by wet vacuuming and subsequent vacuuming. The bonnet cleaning method, the soil is absorbed into the bonnet. The absorbent compound method, the soil is absorbed into the compound. The water rinse (hot water) extraction method, the soil is rinsed off the carpet using the cleaning wand or large commercial walk behind machines. Spot Stain & Wicking The class teaches cleaners the difference between a spot, stain, discoloration and wicking. • Spot - substance added to the carpet (beverage, plate of food, tar, paint, etc.) • Stain - color added to the carpet (coffee, sport drink, wine, etc.) • Discoloration - color removed from the carpet (bleach, benzoyl peroxide, etc.) • Wicking - occurs as the carpet dries and unremoved substances wick up the fibers to reappear again. Groom & Dry Once the carpet has been cleaned, it may need groomed or brushed to lift the pile and set it so it looks its best and dries well. Tabs and blocks are used to protect furniture from moisture and the carpet from stains. Bottom Line As you can see from this brief overview there is a lot more that goes into owning and caring for carpet. Carpet is an investment like any other large purchase. Even though it’s just carpet, maintaining it properly will help you keep the indoor environment healthier and get the longest, best-looking life out of it.
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The World’s Best Carpet Cushion
44 Premier Flooring Retailer | TISE Edition 2024
Made of 100% high density memory foam, Healthier Choice Carpet Cushion offers the luxurious comfort you want while providing the support your carpet needs.
Healthier Choice Cushion’s dense, micro-cellular structure cushions every step by acting like millions of tiny shock absorbers, allowing your carpet to look newer and last longer.
The appearance retention warranty for any brand of residential carpet is instantly doubled when installed over Healthier Choice Carpet Cushion.
The only carpet cushion to be awarded the UL GREENGUARD ® Gold Certification for indoor air quality as an extremely low VOC emitting product.
Healthier Choice Cushion is infused with Ultra-Fresh ® antimicrobial protection to prevent the growth of harmful mold, mildew and bacteria.
A revolutionary Breathable Moisture Barrier keeps liquid spills from penetrating down into the cushion while allowing moisture vapor to escape.
The only carpet cushion made with more than 50% soybean oil and natural minerals which reduces the use of fossil fuels while supporting sustainable alternatives.
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FLOOR Education
W hen you think of fcB2B, what comes to your mind first? My guess is that you are thinking about receiving the product/price catalog, also known as the 832. You would be correct that there is a huge benefit a retailer gets from fcB2B. Having your software automatically updated with the current product information and pricing direct from your supplier is a real timesaver. No need to check your mailbox, inbox, or fax machine for the current price sheet and wait for someone to update your software. You just hope they are concentrating on making sure they get the correct price assigned to the correct product. What else is available in fcB2B and how can it make me more efficient, you may ask? Let’s walk through a scenario for a minute. A customer has just come into your store, picked out a beautiful floor, received a correct price (because of the 832) and your RSA is trying to close the deal when the customer asks, “when can it be installed”. Someone in your store will probably do one of 2 things: pick up the phone and call your supplier to confirm the product is in stock or jump on the supplier’s portal and navigate to the page to search for the product and check inventory. What if WHAT DOES fcB2B PROVIDE?
Lewis Davis Senior Director of Technology and Research “ Automate
your business processes and spend more time focusing on your customers.”
32 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
there was an easier way to check within your software? Well, you are in luck. fcB2B has defined an internet service that allows your software to speak directly to your supplier and ask about inventory. This service called a web service, is the stock check and allows you to supply SKU and other information to receive confirmation that the product is in stock. This all happens within seconds. There is no need to look for a phone number for customer service or the website and login information. Let’s say there’s not much inventory, so you would like to reserve the quantity you need for the order. That’s where the fcB2B defined reservation web service comes into play. You performed the stock check, and now you can pick your inventory and put a reserve on it. That’s what I call customer service. Now, the deal is closed, and you have a customer order. The next logical step would be to discuss the Purchase Order and the PO Acknowledgement, aka the 850 and 855. The consumer picked a beautiful floor, you confirmed the installation date and reserved the inventory. Do you have someone call the order in or navigate through the supplier’s website, duplicating work to build the order in their software? You already have all the information in your software. Why not push a button and automate placing the order in your software and in your supplier’s system? Once your supplier processes the order, they will return the PO Acknowledgement with your reference number and the expected shipping date. Both automagically appear in your software linked to the customer order. Think about how much time you just saved, not calling customer service or log onto a website and supply the same information that was already provided in your software. Given that the average human error percentage in data entry is 1%, that means that for every 100 orders manually processed, you can expect 1 will have an error. Expand that to 1000 orders you can now expect 10 to contain an error. By using fcB2B PO’s you decrease those odds because the order is entered once and then the computer takes the information and sends it along. Another web service that can be used is the Order Status service. This allows you to check the status of the order with your supplier, find
out if an order that was backordered has now been updated with a product or ship date, proactively supplying updates to your customers about their order. Now that the order has been placed with your supplier, you may want to know when it ships and what other orders are on the truck. This is where the Advanced Shipping Notice, aka ASN or 856, comes into play. The ASN is typically generated at the time of the truck being loaded and shipped by your supplier. The benefits of the ASN are knowing what products are on the truck prior to the truck arriving at your dock. It can also be used to automate the receiving process, allowing you to confirm the products and quantity and add the entire truck to inventory. Finally, is the Invoice, aka the 810, once the order is shipped and invoiced, you will receive the 810. Your system can perform a three-way match, ordered-received-invoiced, and update your software with the invoice number with any added charges. Once again no one needs to manually update your software with the invoice details and confirm everything was received. With all this automation and efficiency, imagine how your business could grow. Click on this link to see if your suppliers are members. If your supplier is not showing to be a member, please complete this short survey (https://bit. ly/22fcB2Btps), so I can contact them about joining fcB2B to support their customers. You can also help by using the fcB2B Form Letter for Suppliers This supplies a template that you can download and send to your supplier or update to include a personalized note before sending. Visit our website at and click on the Resources tab to learn more about fcB2B. The Members > Connections tab has a listing of the members who support fcB2B. Do you B2B? Contact me to find out how to be more efficient in your business. Lewis Davis at 706-217-1183 ext. 132 or via email at
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