I t’s just carpet! How many times have you heard that statement? It’s just carpet, why do I have to vacuum it so often? It’s just carpet, why does it need cleaned so often? While we would like to think all it has to do is lay on the floor and look pretty, carpet needs proper care to maintain the indoor environment and get the longest, best-looking life out of it. Some History I have been in this industry since 1977 (when I had more hair than brains), I have seen a lot of things happen in this industry over those years. ‘Back in the day’ there was a whole lot of what you might call “bathtub chemistry” and machines that were built to take on huge cleaning jobs. I had one, where we could operate two cleaning wands off one machine. My brother Chuck and I were in Atlanta in 1987 at what was called “The Market” for the flooring industry. That year three stain resist nylon fibers were introduced such as “DuPont Certified STAINMASTER”, “Anso V Worry Free”, and “Monsanto with Locked-In Stain Blocker”. Remember the commercial Dupont created showing a little boy tossing his airplane shaped food dish through the air landing on the carpet leaving a mess? Within a few frames it all magically disappeared. Good marketing. IT’S JUST Carpet!
FLOOR Education
Mark Violand Carpet Inspector
Has been in the floor covering industry since 1977, specializing in inspection, correction, and repair of all types of flooring. As an IICRC-certified senior carpet inspector and instructor, he trains professionals and writes about flooring issues to improve industry practices.
“ Carpet is more than just something that lays on the floor—it’s an essential part of maintaining a healthy indoor environment.”
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