L et me start this article like no article I have ever written. I want to ask you to get mad in 2025. That’s right. I want you to get mad at all of the “stuff” that is holding you back from fulfilling your purpose personally and professionally. What would 2025 look like if you got rid of the junk that is confining you? The truth is, most of us have no idea because we are too busy treading, trying to keep our heads above water, to focus on how good our lives and businesses could be if we would just get fed up with being stuck. For the sake of this article and your success in 2025, I am going to take for granted that you want this year to be like no other. I’m going to assume that you are willing to commit to doing and undoing what is necessary for you to exceed your expectations. Make no mistake: if you want success like you have never had, you will be required to do what you have never done. Why? Because you are exactly where you are because of the decisions that you have made. Even though you may not have asked for every situation that has impacted you, you are still responsible for your response. CHANGING YOUR Destiny IN 2025
Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA “ If you want
success like you’ve never had, you will be required to do what you’ve never done.”
04 Premier Flooring Retailer TISE | 2025
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