Flymo Product Range 2024

Are you ready for take off? INTRODUCTION TO HOVER MOWERS The British invention of the Hovercraft by Sir Christopher Cockerell was the inspiration for Swedish manufacturer, Karl Dahlman, to invent the flying lawnmower …Flymo, for short. It wasn’t long before the idea ‘took off’ and Flymo grew from strength to strength. The 1980’s then saw the introduction of the first grass collecting hover mower. The Hover Principle The principle behind the Flymo air cushion lawnmower, is based on the Hovercraft, and although relatively simple in theory, is a lot harder to put into practice. The drive shaft of the motor powers a fan which is attached above the cutting blades. The impeller draws air from above the cutting housing which creates pressure on the underside, lifting the mower from the lawn. Mowing on a cushion of air makes gardening quicker and easier. This unique design allows the user to mow in any direction, over flat paths, under bushes, down slight slopes, round trees, and when the lawn is cut, it’s easy to carry and store away.

The first hover in 1965

Play me

How does a hover work?

Hover collect Integrated grass box to collect your clippings


Hover non collect Grass clippings are returned to the lawn

Flymo Fact


The original hover mowers that were introduced were blue, then in 1977 they changed to the famous Flymo Orange


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Flymo Product Range 2023

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